Entries by MJ

How to customize UX for mobile website design

What does UX (user experience) have to do with website design? Everything. The foundation of any good product design (think Apple products like iPhone or a Mac), is a customer-centric understanding to how the product should look, feel and work. Good UX is rooted by psychology, and this is the mindset any good website designer should […]


Big website strategy mistakes by small businesses

Form follows function is a principle that the shape of a building, a product, or even a website  should be fundamentally based upon its intended function or purpose. To many small businesses rush to launch a new website without following the path of this principle, and the result can be a bad website that is damaging to the to the […]


Jordan Castle – WordPress designer

Our Creative team is pleased to announce a new addition to the team, Jordan Castle, a local Vancouver website designer who was lured to the West Coast from his hometown of Toronto, and found his home with the MJA team. Jordan holds Bachelor of Visual Communication from Academy of Design Toronto, who upon graduation started a graphic design company as […]


10 web designer tips for UX and mobile design

User experience (UX) in almost any industry website is primarily about enhancing the user (prospect, lead or customers) journey and experience, through to your ideal goal. Whether that be enhancing engagement, purchase, clicks, content consumption, etc., in the end any UX web designers goal is to reduce the friction to enhance the users experience.

Tips: Web Design, Conversion Optimizer & Visitors Browser

Quick valuable tip for UX (user experience) design, web designers and digital marketers focused on conversion optimization. While your web designer may overwhelm you with their reasoning behind your websites new design layout, are they taking into account the objectives you articulated from the get-go of the project? Quickly check if your web design layout […]


Impact of SEO on Google’s New Privacy

Recently Google announced they’re would be making Search more secure. Secure in lament sense means rather than searching google’s engine from http://www.google.com, you may be searching Google via https://www.google.com (note the ‘s’ in http). What does this mean and how does it impact businesses and their Search strategies, especially SEO. Google will begin redirecting users who […]

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Tips: SEO Mistakes 101

An SEO 101 topic, many times inexperienced digital marketers or webmasters  makes simple SEO mistakes that shatters an SEO campaign. Below are a few reasons why an SEO Campaign isn’t effective or note working, and how to fix it: