Entries by MJ


Fedex Usage of Social Media for Brand Crisis

Recently FedEx learned the hard way of social media power and consumer influence, and reciprocated the same to respond to a potential ugly crisis management situation. Recently (December 19th, 2011) a YouTuber posted a video of a FedEx practically shot putting the delivery of  a new computer monitor to one of FedEx’s customers.


The 5 Hardest Jobs to Fill in 2012 (Inc.com)

Those seeking a professional in digital marketing / internet marketing, this article on Inc.com is a good read. Talent shortages in a few key areas within our industry. ————————————– Although the economy continues to face many challenges, the startup and tech industries are very much alive.  The IPO window slightly opened up for companies like […]

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Tips: Bad Link Development

It is true that all Link building or link development efforts will not contribute to great rankings. Too many spammy links can even get you listed out of the SERP’s (search engine result pages). The following helps the beginner understand link development tactics better off avoiding. Unless you’ve got an art for blackhat link development, […]

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Study: Mobile Marketing & Paid Search Advertising

A recent study published projects mobile paid search advertising revenues in the US, which includes iPads and other tablets, could account towards 22% of total search revenues. (chart inside) Published by Efficient Frontier (EFF) and Macquarie Capital, the study provides further insight into where businesses are shifting their advertising dollars; not just from traditional channels to […]


Ready for Social Media Optimization?

SMO (social media optimization), yeah, another acronym we don’t need, but a good comment to share from this years Ad Tech in New York, on social media marketing… Just as business owners were getting a grip on the basics of SEO (search engine optimization), now they can add social media optimization (SMO) to optimize their […]


Why Create a Facebook Page for Business?

Facebook is the largest one-stop-shop of consumers that offers small businesses the opportunity to target consumers at a granular and local level. Where better than to submerge a your business through a Facebook Business page to connect, engage, influence and make an impact with local consumers and customers. Getting your business on Facebook and other […]


New Real-Time Google Analytics

Google has rolled out one extremely helpful service in the form of free, real-time Web statistics–and one expensive yet useful service, Analytics Premium. The Good News: Real-Time Web Analytics One of the huge drawbacks of Google Analytics when compared with other Web analytics tools was that it only offered credible data from the previous day. […]


Tip: LinkedIn Reputation and Promotion

LinkedIn has added a few new features that impact marketers and business owners. Promoting your business information on LinkedIn has become a lot more engaging, and  knowledge-sharing with industry peers. A few unique LinkedIn features that are worth exploring in our online marketing:

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Tip: Google +1 in Adsense

In the next month, Google will introduce the Google +1 button and personal recommendations to display ads. A very similar ad strategy approach as Facebook has already started, Google appears to be following suite. The Google +1 button will begin to appear on AdSense for Content and AdSense for Mobile Content display ad formats — […]